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SeekWeed is a modern flutter iPhone and Android app that highlights brands, local deals, and nearby stores for the cannabis industry.
Over several months, I was tasked with creating a more elevated design that better fit design and UX best practices, for the mobile app launch.
___ months
Myself, Front-end Engineer, Back-end Engineer, Product Manager
Experience Designer who focused on the overall aesthetics and experience of the MVP app screen designs
01 research
Competitor Analysis
I wanted to understand how other cannabis centered apps helped their users find the products they were looking for. To do this I looked at the apps Leafly and Weedmaps. Below you can see both the homepages and product pages for these two apps.
Leafly Homepage
Leafly Product Page
Weedmaps homepage
Weedmap product page
What was interesting to call out was the fact that both competitors prioritized featuring certain brands or products and also provided a mix of their different services on their homepages.
Defining the scope
Once I had a better understanding of the current market and who we were up against, I worked with the team to define an appropriate scope for the MVP build out of the SeekWeed app.
Specifically, I worked on the Information Architecture of the app by building out a consolidated sitemap, which can be seen below.
My main focus for mapping this out was to determine the number of pages that would need to be designed for the MVP and to also see which pages would have a similar design structure.
what was solved for
Based on discussions with the team and this revised sitemap, it was decided that for the MVP build I would design 24 screens, the navigation and style of modals. Through these screens the goal of the app is as follows.
How might we help users locate their favorite cannabis brands and products from nearby stores?
o3 design
how we started, and where we are now
As mentioned, before I joined the team, the SeekWeed app buildout had begun. Although I wanted to try and keep some of the original structure, I also wanted to make sure the new app followed best practices and provided a great experience for all users. That is why I focused my efforts on creating components that could be reused for several aspects of the product and also on accessibility.
Since the MVP roll out focused on 24 screens I am not going to show every single one here. Instead, I am going to focus on the onboarding screens and all the different homepages; Seek page, Stores Homepage, Deals Homepage, Brand Homepage.
original onboarding
new onboarding
The main focus of the redesign of this section of the app was to bring in more of the company branding, while also providing users with a clearer understanding of what they should expect once they are a registered user of the platform.
original homepage
New homepage (SEEk Page)
Originally the Homepage was focused on highlighting the nearby stores that delivered. However, based on the research I conducted, I noticed that users would be happier with a page that more so resembled that of a "Discover" page instead. This way, at a quick glance they would have access to all sections of the app.
That is why on the new Seek page (to the right), a user now has access to featured brands, their favorites, and nearby stores with a map.
original Stores Homepage
New Stores Homepage
For this set of screens I wanted to keep the bone structure that had previously been created. I thought the card style was a great user experience, however I wanted to create a more modern feel by rounding the corners.
Additionally, as a way to help a user more quickly find exactly what they are looking for, I created a filter feature. This way when clicked, it would provide them with a model system that would better show the products or brands that they want to see.
Since our users goal within this product is to locate stores, I wanted to make sure this information was clearly noted for them. That is why I added the addition of the miles away tag on the cards.
original Deals Homepage
New Deals Homepage
The main changes I made to this screen was the order in which the information was grouped. Rather than create the different sections for the various deals, I decided to highlight the promoted ones first (green cards) and allow for users to filter using the native filter system for their more specific needs.
As well as now a user can access more information about each deal but clicking on it and activating a modal.
original Brands Homepage
New brands Homepage
My goal for this screen was to help users find their favorite brands easily. I did this through the category and filter buttons. As well as, as a means to modernize the style of the app I continued to round the card corners here.
As mentioned at the beginning of this section, for sake of length I only highlighted the main homepages of the app. If you are curious to see the other screens feel free to check out the live app either on the Google Play Store or the App Store.
06 Reflect
While creating the screens for this app, I thought a lot about how I could create pieces that could be used over and over again, both in that simple format and also in ways to create other components. Not only did this help me design more pages within the timeline, but it was also beneficial to the Engineers as they built out the MVP.
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